Over 6500+ Kitec Units Replaced

Kitec Replacement Specialists
You can trust our dedicated specialists for your Kitec Replacement. We have the very latest modern and sophisticated Kitec replacement plumbing tools that will have the job completed within days and you won’y even be able to tell that any work has been done. Our process is in-evasive process, helping you keep piece of mind through out the entire process.

Condo Act
Kitec”, which is a product sold between 1995 and 2007. It was used in new home constructions as a piping system for carrying water throughout the house, and for supplying water to radiant heating systems for both the home itself and for flooring and heated towel racks. The outside is prominently stamped with “Kitec” and is made of plastic (cross-lined polyethylene or PEX), while the inside is lined with aluminium. The pipe is usually orange in colour, but in some cases may be blue, gray or white.
Mainly the deterioration of the fittings, as well as the disintegration of the pipes themselves in some cases. In the resale market it appears that – as with homes containing UFFI in years past – there is now a stigma associated with homes containing Kitec piping. To amplify the problem, some insurance companies are now refusing to provide insurance, based on their own liability risk assessments, which makes these properties even less attractive.
The best place to look for a Kitec system is near the hot water tank or in the mechanical room where the pipe connects to, or exits from, the walls. Pipes are also visible beneath kitchen sinks or bathroom vanities.
Kitec plumbing consists of flexible aluminum pipe between an inner and outer layer of plastic pipe (PEX Pipe), together with brass fittings. Marketed as a cheaper, corrosion-resistant and easy-to-install alternative to copper, Kitec was sold between 1995 and 2007 for potable water, in-floor, and hot-water baseboard heating systems. The brand name is stamped on the piping itself, which is easy to identify: coloured orange or red for hot water and blue for cold. They can be found in kitchens, laundry areas and bathrooms. If your building was constructed during this time period, there is a very high probability that Kitec plumbing is used in your building’s units.
Kitec plumbing systems have been shown to fail in two ways: the pipes can rupture and the brass fittings can deteriorate (due to dezincification). Both issues get worse with time, leading some experts to assert that failure is not a matter of “if” but of “when”. Remediation is the recommended course of action in order to prevent damage, by removal and disconnection of Kitec fittings and pipe, and replacing them with new plumbing (Uponor ProPEX® – a systems).
Kitec was certified to run at a maximum temperature of 180 oF / 82.2 oC Celsius. A typical hot water boiler is set at a high of 170 oF / 77o C. In cases where coils that heat the water off of the main boiler degrade and reduce water temperature, some homeowners increase temperature of the hot water system past what it was designed to handle, causing the piping to disintegrate. In condominiums, running the hot water system at too high of a temperature will cumulatively contribute to this problem over time. Dark spots and/or blisters may form on the piping. Other signs of damage can be seen as well.
Kitec fittings are made of brass. Brass is a metal alloy made of copper and zinc. An alloy is a mixture of metals or a mixture of a metal and another element. Varying the proportions of copper and zinc can create a range of brasses with varying properties. Alloys are used in a wide variety of applications. In some cases, a combination of metals may reduce the overall cost of the material as it did with Kitec fittings. In other cases, the combination of metals imparts synergistic properties to the constituent metal elements, such as corrosion resistance or mechanical strength. In the case of Kitec fittings, the high composition of zinc, while enabling the product to be cheaper to cast due to increased malleability, unfortunately makes the product weaker as the zinc component leaches out over time with exposure to potable water. This results in a fragile, porous fitting that is expected to handle water under pressure, continually weakening over time.
Kitec may deteriorate or fail due to excessive water pressure or water running at temperatures hotter than the manufacturer’s rating of 77C (180F).
Industry professionals believe that homes and condominiums with Kitec plumbing and fittings will experience premature pipe failure, and failure rates will increase over time. The pipes may not just leak but burst, with potential for flooding. One alleged issue is with fittings that contain high levels of zinc, resulting in corrosion and weakness over time.
♦ Mould growth
♦ Damage to property
♦ Injury from scalding
♦ Damage to neighbouring units due to water escape
♦ May result in leaks and water damage to the home
♦ May result in clogging and poor water pressure and flow
♦ The other issue is dark spots and/or blisters forming on the pipe
Most legal experts have concluded that the builders who installed the plumbing are not responsible. Given that they were using a CSA-approved material and approved installation techniques at the time of construction, they did nothing wrong. Kitec was the most popular, and most commonly used material for its purpose, and there was no way for builders to know that the product was faulty. Once it became public knowledge, its use was halted.
Can you be reimbursed for your existing Kitec Plumbing system?
Kitec plumbing has been the subject of many lawsuits across North America, including a large cross-border class action which was concluded in 2011. A settlement fund of $125 million (all figures U.S.) was established, with $25 million going to the lawyers in Canada and the U.S., and $100 million being set aside for claimants who have until January, 2020 to file.
With an estimated 87,600 claims, the payout to each claimant will be nominal and the final amounts will not be settled until the expiry of the claims period in 2020.
If you have a property with Kitec piping, you should register in case you have a failure in the future. You have until 2020 to register. If you have a failure, document it and send the bill for repairs. You will get some relief, although you will not likely receive full reimbursement for the costs.
It is suggested to replace the Kitec piping with type “L” copper piping which will require access to each in-suite bulkheads and through the floor slab conduits.
“Uponor Aqua Pex” is a type of plastic pipe that has also been approved where piping is within the conduits inside the concrete floor slab to enable easy and quicker accessibility.
If it is just in the condo unit, the cost to replace it is between $5,000-$10,000. Averagely, estimated cost to replace the piping is $5.5k to $6.1k.
With over 6500+ Kitec replacements performed over the decades we have the ABM has become a leader in the commercial plumbing industry. Providing 100% customer satisfaction is the very nature of organization. We understand dealing with this particular issue can be very daunting and stressful and we are here to help and guide you every steps of the way. No body cares more about your commercial plumbing job then ABM.
Experience the Difference when you work with ABM. Call us today to obtain a free quote on time and cost required to have your Kitec plumbing replaced. We look forward in helping you solve this issue and render exceptional value and service.